Archive 2016 Yachtcharter Leeuwarden Friesland

24.10. 2016: Book now - 7 days left - 10% early bird discount ...

10% early bird discount ...

28.09. 2016: Newsletter September 2016 online

Newsletter September 2016

12.09. 2016: Simmerskip 1200 AK, PASSAAT on tour

Simmerskip 1200 AK, PASSAAT on tour
The Simmerskip 1200 AK, PASSAAT, on tour North-West from Leeuwarden, here the doet het self lock ar Oude Leije

19.07. 2016: Photo from our marina today in the morning

our marina today in the morning

22.03. 2016: Spring Action: Each booking will be rewarded with a shopping voucher of max. 50 Euros

Spring 2016
Each booking until 03/04/16 for the current season will be rewarded with a JUMBO * shopping voucher worth 50 euros (rental price higher than 750 €) and 25 euros (rental price up to 750 €). * supermarket

10.03. 2016: Last minute offers with Easter online

Last Minute offers with Easter
Last Minute with Easter online, straight to the offers:

Last Minutes

19.02. 2016: Three new routes with vertical clearance 3.60 meters online and test drive Simmerskip 950 OK * cruise with a new bow and stern thruster

The route suggestions are here:

Routes Boating Holiday

01.02. 2016: New Floor covering in both Aventura Yachts

Teakboden anstelle Teppichboden
New Floor covering in both Aventura Yachts ... More photos on


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Crew Yachtcharter LeeuwardenSailing Friesland Netherlands with motor boat. Barge holidays and cruise vacations on frisian canals. Current water sports news from Friesland and Yachtcharter Leeuwarden Friesland. Our luxury barges offer all the comforts of home while, cruising on the water. Sailing Friesland Netherlands with motor boat. Current water sports news from Friesland and Yachtcharter Leeuwarden Friesland. Our luxury barges offer all the comforts of home while, cruising on the water. Sailing Friesland Netherlands with motor boat. Barge holidays and cruise vacations on frisian canals. Current water sports news from Friesland and Yachtcharter Leeuwarden Friesland. Our luxury barges offer all the comforts of home while, cruising on the water. Sailing Friesland Netherlands with motor boat.

Yachtcharter Leeuwarden