Weekend Boating Holiday in the Southwest of Friesland

Sneek - Bolsward - Franeker - Leeuwarden

Vertical clearance  2.40
Friday 14.00 h till Monday 9.00 h, Journey time per day: 4/7 hours, Length: ca. 95 km

Weekend ZuidWeekend trip by boat in Friesland

Places to stay the night:

1. Sneek

2. Bolsward
3. Yachtcharter L'warden
After the briefing on Friday afternoon you will leave our harbor on "De Naue Grens" in Leeuwarden and take first a piece on the Van Harinxmakanal, here you can get in touch with your rented boat and get first experience on this width water.

Simmerskip 1200 OK TRINA in Wommels Simmerskip 1200 OK TRINA in Wommels, thanks for the photo Friedhelm 👍

When reached channel kilometer 25, turn in southerly direction on to the Swette, the Sneeker Trek Vaart. You sail around Sneek in the Northeast. Tips for overnight stay: go near as possible to the center, there are many piers to stay the night.

Weekend Zuid Impression - Houkesloot close to Sneek

The following day you go by IJlst, Heeg and Hegumer Meer to Bolsward. Again, you can stay with the boat centrally in the city center.

On Sunday you sail in northern direction over a very narrow waterway direction to Franeker from there you follow the "Kleiroute" which leads to our harbor again in the evening.

Get in touch

Crew Yachtcharter LeeuwardenWeekend Boating Holiday in the Southwest of Friesland: Sneek - Bolsward - Franeker - Leeuwarden. Weekend Charter Friesland Holland, Company Yachtcharter Leeuwarden. Boat 'n bike, cruising Friesland, waterways and lakes in Friesland. Weekend Boating Holiday in the Southwest of Friesland: Sneek - Bolsward - Franeker - Leeuwarden. Looking for Hire company Yachtcharter Leeuwarden. Cannel barges hire, narrowboat,Cannel cruise on dutch inland waterways, Boating holiday by Yachtcharter Leeuwarden - Dutch Yacht Charter, Boating holidays an Netherlands inland waterways. Weekend Boating Holiday in the Southwest of Friesland: Sneek - Bolsward - Franeker - Leeuwarden.

Yachtcharter Leeuwarden