Weekend Holiday Boating in the Northeast of Friesland

Leeuwarden - Dokkum - Eernewoude - Leeuwarden

Vertical clearance  2.40
Friday 14.00 h till Monday 9.00 h, Journey time per day: 1.5/7 hours, Length: ca. 90 km

Weekend NoordEnjoy a nice boating weekend in Friesland

Where to stay the night:

1. L'warden Prinsentuin

2. Dokkum
3. Yachtcharter L'warden
After the briefing on Friday afternoon you will leave our harbor on "De Naue Grens" in Leeuwarden and take first a piece on the Van Harinxmakanal, here you can get in touch with your rented boat and get first experience on this width water.
At channel km 24 you leave the Van Harinxmakanal and take the "Harlinger Vaart" towards the center of Leeuwarden. After several bridges you reach the Prinsentuin, where you can spend in a beautiful park the first night. The center of Leeuwarden there are a few minutes walk.

On Saturday, take the "Dokkumer Ie" by Bartlehiem and Birdaard to Dokkum. Tip: In Dokkum you can stay the night especially beautiful at the Bolwerk among the windmills.

Weekend Noord Simmerskip 950 OK*cruise, AALTJE on the big channel (Guestphoto)

The next day it's all along the magnificent Lits Lauwersmeeroute sailing southward direction Eernewoude. After a round in the beautiful nature reserve "De Alde Feanen" you cross the Prinses Margrietkanaal and go by Warten back to our harbor for the evening.

Get in touch

Crew Yachtcharter LeeuwardenWeekend Holiday Boating in the Northeast of Friesland: Leeuwarden - Dokkum - Eernewoude - Leeuwarden. Information about boating and sailing in Friesland, Netherlands. Yachtcharter Leeuwarden. Canal motor barge hire, narrowboat, Canal cruise on dutch inland waterways, Boating holiday by Yachtcharter Leeuwarden - Dutch Yacht Charter, Weekend Holiday Boating in the Northeast of Friesland: Leeuwarden - Dokkum - Eernewoude - Leeuwarden. Boating holidays an Netherlands inland waterways. Barge holidays and cruise vacations on frisian canals. Weekend Holiday Boating in the Northeast of Friesland: Leeuwarden - Dokkum - Eernewoude - Leeuwarden.

Yachtcharter Leeuwarden