Friesland weekend trip - 4.20 meters

Weekend boat vacation in Friesland: Leeuwarden - Grou - Sneek or Langweer - Leeuwarden

Short trip in Friesland 3 overnights

Vertical clearance  4.20
Friday 14.00 h till Monday 9.00 h, Journey time per day: 1.5/7 hours, Length: ca. 85 km

Weekend NoordWeekend relaxing on the boat in Friesland

Where to stay the night:

1. Grou

2. Sneek
or 2. Langweer

3. Yachtcharter L'warden
After the briefing on Friday afternoon or on Monday afternoon you will leave our harbor at "De Nauwe Greuns" in Leeuwarden, your first sail a little on the Van Harinxmakanaal, here you can get in touch on this wide canal with the boat.
The journey leads in southern direction, following the "Standing Mast Route" to Grou. After about 1.5 hours sailing you reach this convivial watersportvillage for the first night.

Weekend Friesland Simmerskip 1200 Ak, PASSAAT, in Grou (Guestphoto)

On Saturday you go southwards through the PM channel, past the Sneekermeer along Joure to Langweer or Sneek for the second night. Langweer is a small picturesque village situated on the edge of the Langweerder Wielen. The characteristic village street with old facades and the more than two centuries old lime trees together with the pavement form a picturesque whole. An old village with a rich history.

Sneek is a lively water sports city and has a lot more to offer besides numerous water sports and the Sneekermeer. The city is blessed with ancient monuments and townscapes, several museums, a pleasant and diverse shopping and pedestrian zone, numerous terraces, cafes and restaurants.

On the last day you go northwards, across the Sneekermeer, passing Grou with a trip to the nature reserve "Alde Feanen" back to our base, where you spend the last night of your trip.

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Crew Yachtcharter LeeuwardenWeekend boating Netherlands Friesland Leeuwarden-Grou-Sneek - Dutch Yacht Charter, Boating holidays an Netherlands inland waterways. Weekend Boating Holiday in the Southwest of Friesland, Groningen Friesland sailing vacation for one week. Boat vacation in Friesland, one week sailing, Boating holiday by Weekend boating Netherlands Friesland Leeuwarden-Grou-Sneek. Groningen Friesland sailing vacation for one week. Boat vacation in Friesland, one week sailing, Boating holiday by Yachtcharter Leeuwarden - Dutch Yacht Charter, Boating holidays an Netherlands inland waterways. Weekend Boating Holiday in the Southwest of Friesland, Weekend boating Netherlands Friesland Leeuwarden - Grou - Sneek.

Yachtcharter Leeuwarden