Boat tour through Friesland 1 week boating holiday

Frieslandroute by Berlikum - Franeker - Bolsward - Sloten - Sneek - Grou - Eernewoude - Dokkum - Leeuwarden

Vertical clearance  2.40
Friday 14.00 h till Friday 9.00 h or Monday 14.00 h till Monday 9.00 h, Journey time per day: 4/6 hours, Length: ca. 190 km

Frieslandroute Enjoying nice sailing area Friesland for one week

Places to stay the night:

1. Berlikum

2. Bolsward

3. Sloten

4. Sneek
5. Grou or

5. Eernewoude

6. Dokkum

7. Yachtcharter L'warden
The Friesland route is a very varied route, the traveling by boat on wide waters, narrow canals and rivers, inland lakes, past lovely, welcoming villages and towns such as Dokkum, the most northern city in the Netherlands, or Sloten, the smallest town in the province of Friesland.
After a short, manageable pieces Van Harinxmakanal (here you can get used to the wider waters of the boat) turn into the "Kleiroute" and reach via Menaldum the small town Berlikum the first night.

In the morning you start in a southerly direction, Bolsward is the destination port for the overnight stay. From here you continue via the Heegermeer, Heeg and Woudsend to Sloten, the smallest town in Friesland.

12.12.2022: Captain Kalle in October 2022 with the Simmerskip 950 OK, AALTJE, on the Kleiroute: via Menaldum, Berlikum to Franeker.

Very nice film, good preparation if you want to do the Kleiroute ... (many thanks Kalle, that we are allowed to show your film here)

For who the cruise Sloten by Eernewoude is too long, can alternatively stay in Grou, a water sports place with a special flair. Nature lovers may prefer to search on a Marrekrite berth in the nature reserve "De Alde Feanen".

About Dokkum you drive back towards Leeuwarden, either through the city on Prinsentuin in the center of town over, or select the bypass, with our low models, both trips are possible. The last evening you spent in our cozy harbor, here in the middle of a residential area in the south of Leeuwarden.

This route is very well suited for beginners. Initially you go on the wider waters, there are no locks on the go. With each day you expand your experience and to the extent evolve, the requirements of the course.

Simmerskip 1200 AK, PASSAAT, before departure in our marina Simmerskip 1200 AK, PASSAAT, before departure in our marina

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Crew Yachtcharter Leeuwarden1 week holiday boating & vacation in Friesland. Weekend Boating Holiday in the Southwest of Friesland: Sneek - Bolsward - Franeker - Leeuwarden. Weekend Charter Friesland Holland, Company Yachtcharter Leeuwarden. Boat 'n bike, cruising Friesland, waterways and lakes in Friesland. 1 week holiday boating & vacation in Friesland: Berlikum - Franeker - Bolsward - Sloten - Sneek - Grou - Eernewoude - Dokkum. Looking for Hire company Yachtcharter Leeuwarden. Cannel barges hire, narrowboat,Cannel cruise on dutch inland waterways, Boating holiday by Yachtcharter Leeuwarden - Dutch Yacht Charter, Boating holidays an Netherlands inland waterways. Weekend Boating Holiday in the Southwest of Friesland: Sneek - Bolsward - Franeker - Leeuwarden.

Yachtcharter Leeuwarden