Friesland - Groningen one week boattrip

Friesland - Groningen Bootstour, 7 days sailing in Friesland Leeuwarden - Eernewoude - Kollum - Zoutkamp - Groningen - Winsum - Dokkum - Leeuwarden

Vertical clearance  2.40
Monday 14.00 h till Monday 9.00 h or Friday 14.00 h till Friday 9.00 h, Driving time per day: 4/6 hours, Length: ca. 190 km

Friesland - Groningen RouteFriesland - Groningen with a vertical clearance of 2.40 Meter

Where to stay:

1. Eernewoude

2. Kollum

3. Zoutkamp

4. Groningen
5. Winsum

6. Dokkum

7. Yachtcharter L'warden
After the briefing on Friday afternoon you will leave our harbor on "De Naue Grens " in Leeuwarden and take first a piece on the Van Harinxmakanal, here you can get in touch with your rented boat and get first experience on this width water.
At channel km 24 you leave the Van Harinxmakanal and take the "Harlinger Vaart" towards the center of Leeuwarden. After several bridges you reach the Prinsentuin, where you can spend in a beautiful park the first night. The center of Leeuwarden there are a few minutes walk.

Alternatively, you go via Warten into the beautiful nature reserve "De Alde Feanen" and stay there in the countryside on a Marrekrite birth or in the comfortable marina of Eernewoude. Then you have already gone a part of the cruise from the coming day in direction to Kollum.

Bridge Birdaard Waiting in front of the bridge in Birdaard (Guestphoto)

The next day you sail northwards on the Bergumer Meer and the magnificent Lits Lauwersmeeroute to Kollum. The well-maintained marina is within walking distance of the shopping center of the place.

About Dokkumer Nieuwe Zijlen and the Lauwersmeer (a nature reserve) you reach Zoutkamp, a former seaport for the third night.
Via Electra on very beautiful narrow waters you will reach Groningen, the capital of the homonymous province. In this student city, there is plenty to do and see.
The city offers a contrast to the fifth place for the night: Winsum, a small, quiet and tranquil place.

Exciting sure the trip west direction Zoutkamp, look here particularly low branches and also on the possible oncoming traffic.
About the "Dokkumer Grootdiep" you reach Dokkum to spend here at the Bulwark the sixth night.

On the last day of your trip it goes southwards via Birdaard and Bartlehiem back to our base where you spend the last night of your cruise.

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Crew Yachtcharter Leeuwarden1 week holiday Boating holiday & vacation with a vertical clearance of 2.40 meters in Friesland and Groningen. Weekend Boating Holiday in the Southwest of Friesland: Sneek - Bolsward - Franeker - Leeuwarden. Weekend Charter Friesland Holland, Company Yachtcharter Leeuwarden. Boat 'n bike, cruising Friesland, waterways and lakes in Friesland. 1 week holiday boating & vacation in Friesland: Berlikum - Franeker - Bolsward - Sloten - Sneek - Grou - Eernewoude - Dokkum. Looking for Hire company Yachtcharter Leeuwarden. Cannel barges hire, narrowboat, Boating holiday & vacation in Friesland and Groningen. Cannel cruise on dutch inland waterways, Boating holiday by Yachtcharter Leeuwarden - Dutch Yacht Charter, Boating holidays an Netherlands inland waterways. Weekend Boating Holiday in the Southwest of Friesland: Sneek - Bolsward - Franeker - Leeuwarden.

Yachtcharter Leeuwarden