2 weeks boating holiday, sailing on the Friesland - Overijssel Route

Leeuwarden Prinsentuin - Dokkum - Zoutkamp - Grou - Heerenveen - Steenwijk - Zwartsluis - Blokzijl - Kuinre - Sloten - Hindeloopen - Sneek - Franeker - Yachtcharter Leeuwarden

vertical clearance  2.40
Friday 14.00 h till Friday 9.00 h or Monday 14.00 h till Monday 9.00 h, Journey time per day: 4/7 hours, Length: ca. 320 km

Friesland en Overijssel2 Weeks through Friesland and Overijssel

Where to stay the night:

1. L'warden Prinsentuin

2. Dokkum

3. Zoutkamp

4. Grou

5. Heerenveen

6. Steenwijk

7. Zwartsluis
8. Blokzijl

9. Kuinre

10. Sloten

11. Hindeloopen

12. Sneek

13. Franeker

14. Yachtcharter L'warden
After the briefing on Friday afternoon you will leave our harbor on "De Naue Grens " in Leeuwarden and take first a piece on the Van Harinxmakanal, here you can get in touch with your rented boat and get first experience on this width water.
At channel km 24 you leave the Van Harinxmakanal and take the "Harlinger Vaart" towards the center of Leeuwarden. After several bridges you reach the Prinsentuin, where you can spend in a beautiful park the first night. The center of Leeuwarden there are a few minutes walk.

Friesland en Overijssel Sailing on Prinses - Margrietkanal

On Saturday, take the "Dokkumer Ie" by Bartlehiem and Birdaard to Dokkum. Tip: In Dokkum you can stay the night especially beautiful at the Bulwark among the windmills.

Via Dokkumer Nieuwe Zijlen and the Lauwersmeer (a nature reserve) you reach Zoutkamp, a former seaport for the third night. Then it goes southwards, over the Bergumer Meer and the magnificent Lits Lauwersmeeroute to Grou. Beautiful berths are behind the hostel ...
The fifth night is planned in Heerenveen, our tip: do not go there into a marina, but stay the night in the center of the city. Dinner possibly on the pancakes ship and the next morning fresh bread at the bakery ...
The following day, then transferred to the province of Overijssel, Steenwijk here provides the community marina you to stay. The route continues southwards to Zwartsluis. Stay in one of the marinas on Meppelerdiep or in the marina at the Zwarte Water.

Friesland en Overijssel Indian Summer

Earlier Blokzijl was a prosperous trading town on the Zuiderzee. You can still see the many splendid gable in the place by the merchants wealth.
Slowly the route continues northwards until you reach Kuinre for the ninth place to stay.
In Echtenerbrug you go back to the province of Friesland, sailing in direction west on the Tjeukemeer to reach the smallest town in Friesland, Sloten.
The following day goes via Woudsend, Heeg and Hegumer Meer and rivers to Hindeloopen. This picturesque harbor town on the IJsselmeer with his cosy little alleyways offers itself as the eleventh place for the night.

Friesland en Overijssel Sneek at night

Along Parrega, Bolsward and IJlst you reach Sneek, past the Waterpoort and go to the center and look for a good berth. By small, narrow waters you go the next day to Franeker. You can stay here very good and centrally located behind de Saakstra's Brege in a small dock for 7-8 ships. A visit to the Planetarium's worth it.

The last sailing day you brings you over the Kleiroute, Berlikum and Menaldum back to our base where you spend the last night of your cruise.

Get in touch

Crew Yachtcharter Leeuwarden2 weeks boating holiday, sailing on the Friesland - Overijssel Route. Weekend Boating Holiday in the Southwest of Friesland: Sneek - Bolsward - Franeker - Leeuwarden. Weekend Charter Friesland Holland, Company Yachtcharter Leeuwarden. 2 weeks boating holiday, sailing on the Friesland - Overijssel Route. 1 week holiday boating & vacation in Friesland: Berlikum - Franeker - Bolsward - Sloten - Sneek - Grou - Eernewoude - Dokkum. Looking for Hire company Yachtcharter Leeuwarden. Cannel barges hire, narrowboat, Boating holiday & vacation in Friesland and Groningen.

Yachtcharter Leeuwarden