Archive 2015 Yachtcharter Leeuwarden Friesland

08.12. 2015: Placing rear thruster Simmerskip 1200 AK, PASSAAT

Placing rear thruster Simmerskip 1200 AK
Placing rear thruster Simmerskip 1200 AK. More photos on

14.11. 2015: Arrival Saint Nicholas in Leeuwarden

Sinterklaas 2015
Our Simmerskip 950 OK * cruise AALTJE was allowed to accompany Sainl Nicholas on his arrival in Leeuwarden. More photos on Facebook

02.10. 2015: Newsletter oktober 2015 online: (sorry, only Dutch version available)

Nieuwsbrief lezen

23.09. 2015: Book now en get 10% discount ...

Early bird discount

16.08. 2015: August Action: Each booking will be rewarded with a shopping voucher of max. 50 Euros

Prijzen 2016
Each booking until 31/08/15 for the current season will be rewarded with a JUMBO * shopping voucher worth 50 euros (rental price higher than 750 €) and 25 euros (rental price up to 750 €). * supermarket

25.07.2015 : NewsmailJuli 2015 read online (Dutch version), ...

Newsmail Juli

25. 05. 2015: Gillissenvlet 950 AK/OK VLIETER last week in the lock Schaphalsterzijl in Winsumerdiep ...

Lock Schaphalsterzijl

22. 05. 2015: Take over Duetvlet 900 AK PUSTER ...

Duetvlet 900 AK PUSTER

19. 05. 2015: Aventura 34 OK BRECHJE starting with boating vacation ...

Aventura 34 OK BRECHJE

15. 05. 2015: Simmerskip 1200 AK PASSAAT on Tour ...

Simmerskip 1200 AK

07. 05. 2015: New website online ...

24. 04. 2015: Starting the cruising holiday with a maneuvering training

The guests on the Aventura 34 AK, EVA, booked at the beginning of their boating vacation a two-hour maneuvering training.
Aventura 34 AK

07. 04. 2015: Easter in Dokkum

Easter was one-half of our fleet in Dokkum at the bollwerk, in front Simmerskip 950 OK* cruise, AALTJE, behind the Aventura 34 AK, EVA and the Aventura 34 OK, BRECHJE. (Thanks Peter for photo)
Ostern in Dokkum

06. 04. 2015: Yesterday evening in our marina ...

From left to the right: Simmerskip 950 OK, AALTJE, Aventura 34 OK, BRECHJE, Aventura 34 AK, EVA
Yesterday evening in our marina ...
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Archives 2014/2015

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Yachtcharter Leeuwarden