My YachtcharterLeeuwarden
Boats in Friesland, Leeuwarden, Availability Overview :
In our Availability Overview below you can see which boats are available. Select the month, the period (week, 2 weeks, shortweek, weekend, 12 days), specify the number of persons and find your boat. The selection criteria can assist in finding the appropriate model.
Different periods (Weekend XXL, 10 days, ...) please ask by phone +31-58-3010506 or by email.
Overview updated on:
Select the period and the month in which you want to rent the boat, the available rental periods on our ships are reproduced in small squares with the rental price (Start days are Friday and Monday, for deviating rental periods please contact us). Have you found the requested period, click into the square beneath the date to start the reservation.
Available rental boats in Netherland, Friesland, Leeuwarden, Availability Overview. Boat holiday europe, canal cruise boating Sneek, Yachtcharter Leeuwarden - Boat for rent and online booking Friesland Charter in Leeuwarden, Dutch Yacht Charter, Boating holidays an Netherlands inland waterways. Barge holidays and cruise vacations on frisian canals. Available rental boats in Netherland, Friesland, Leeuwarden, Availability Overview. Our luxury barges offer all the comforts of home while, cruising on the water. Boat for rent and online booking Friesland Charter in Leeuwarden.